9 Days

Victoria Falls & Botswana Safari

$9,900 per person


Explore the remote wilderness areas of Botswana on this safari. We’ll explore from Victoria falls in Zambia to the Okavango Delta in Botswana. Enjoy the sights of Africa’s big five, scenic views and landscapes on this extraordinary safari.

  • Big Game drives
  • Scenic views of the Victoria Falls
  • Exploration of the Okavango Delta


Day 1: Transfer to Victoria Falls

Take a leisurely breakfast in the morning and drink in the marvellous views of the countryside as the train rolls towards Victoria Falls. Perched overlooking one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World, the Victoria Falls Hotel is perfectly positioned alongside the gorge below the falls to take in the view and listen to the thundering sound of millions of tons of water pouring over the precipice. Settle into your gracious suite and then enjoy a leisurely lunch on the terrace.


In the afternoon, take a helicopter flight over the Falls. As soon as you take off, you see a plume of spray rising into the air that is visible for miles around, which gives the Falls their local name of Mosi-a-Tunya or ‘The Smoke that Thunders’. With the wide river dotted with small islands below you, you fly over the water until the gorge becomes visible, and it is a sight to behold from this perspective!


Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Day 2: Explore the Falls

Victoria Falls is an incredible sight from up close. Following a network of pathways through the tropical forest fed by the spray, you feel the ground shuddering below your feet with the sheer energy of so much water plunging into the gorge.


The town is the centre for a host of activities, from adrenaline-fuelled tiger fishing and white-water river rafting to more sedate game drives and sunset scenic river cruises. After a day of exploration and excitement, return to the grand historical surroundings of the hotel for a well-deserved sundowner and an indulgent dinner.


Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Day 3: Transfer to Chobe, National Park, Botswana

You depart Victoria Falls after breakfast and make your way to the Botswana border at Kasane. From here a charter plane wings you over the vastness of Chobe National Park, bordered by the Chobe River glinting in the northern distance. Arriving at the airstrip, your guide will take you for the game drive as we head to Chobe Under Canvas.


On the drive, keep an eye out for red lechwe antelope, hippos and crocodiles sunning themselves on the banks. Big cats such as lions often rest up among the trees and palm thickets, watching activity on the plain. As you go further inland, the thickets become denser, and mopane woodland dominates the landscape. It is here that leopards stalk and elephants come to feed.


As the evening sets in, drive as you get closer to the lodge for dinner and overnight stay.


Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Days 4-5: Game drives in Savuti Area, Chobe National Park

After a morning game drive, depart Chobe Under Canvas for Savuti. Situated in the remote northern corner of the Chobe National Park. Arrive and settle in at your Camp. Thereafter, head out for a game drive. The surrounding savannah teems with grazing animals, and the area is known for its large population of lions. Enjoy sights of abundant wildlife in this area.


Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Days 6-8: Explore the Okavango Delta

Game drives here reveal a wide variety of interconnecting habitats that support an astounding diversity of life, from aquatic species to the inhabitants of the dry Kalahari woodlands. The region is a big game haven where leopards are often seen, and encounters with these beautiful cats are a thrilling highlight of any safari.


A wonderful way of experiencing the Okavango in all its glory is to step into a mokoro, a traditional style dugout canoe, and gently slip through the maze of waterways overhung by ferns and crowded with water lilies. Silently gliding through the water, you are able to take in the sound of water murmuring by the birds calling from the reed beds, and hippos grunting in the distance: the ancient song of the Okavango. Taking a motorised boat, you can venture into the deeper reaches of the Delta, where hippos pass below you in a stream of bubbles while you seek out the elusive and rare sitatunga antelope that inhabits the marshes and papyrus beds and, as evening falls, the tinkling serenade of reed frogs surrounds you like a symphony.


Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Day 9: Departure

After a final brunch on the terrace, you depart for the airstrip for your flight to Johannesburg in South Africa. You’ll board another airline to fly you back home. 


Meals: Breakfast & Lunch

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What To Carry

  • Passport copy
  • Face masks (N95/surgical)
  • Personal sanitizer
  • Personal medication
  • Hiking/trekking boots
  • Warm gloves
  • Both short/long sleeved shirts
  • Raincoat
  • Both short/trousers
  • Swimming costume
  • Small torch
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunscreen
  • Insect repellant
  • A good camera
  • Refilling water bottle
  • Extra cash in local currency and a pair of keen eyes!
What to Carry image on savannah safaris

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